What Safety Equipment Should I Carry?


Merchant Shipping Regulations require vessels over 13.7m. to carry specific fire fighting equipment, as below. http://www.dft.gov.uk/mca/pleasure_craft_information_packdec07-2.pdf

Fire fighting appliances required on craft over 13.7m and under 24m

The Boat Safety Scheme also contains sensible advice.

  Every ship of 13.7 metres in length or over, but less than 24 metres in length, shall be provided with:
Fire Extinguisher

Not less than four multi-purpose fire extinguishers to a recognised standard, each with a minimum fire rating of 13N113B, or a combination of smaller extinguishers giving the equivalent fire rating; or

  1. Not less than two multi-purpose fire extinguishers as described above, and
  2. A fire pump capable of delivering one jet of water with a minimum throw of 6 metres with a 6mm nozzle to any part of the ship. The fire pump, which need not be a dedicated fire pump, shall have one fire hose of adequate length with a 6mm nozzle and a suitable spray nozzle, and shall be either:

    1. a hand powered fire pump, fixed or portable, outside any engine space with one sea and hose connection or
    2. a power driver fire pump outside any engine space, fixed or portable, with sea and hose connections; or
    3. a hand powered portable fire pump with a throw over sea suction and hose connection

Note: Multi-purpose fire extinguishers shall have a capability to deal with both Category A fires involving solid materials, and Category fires, Involving liquids or liquefiable solids. Portable fire extinguishers provided in compliance with these Regulations shall be of approved types and for technically equivalent to BS EN3.

Fire Buckets Not less than two fire buckets with lanyards. Fire buckets may be of metal, plastic or canvas and should be suitable for their intended service.

Life-Saving Appliances

Merchant Shipping Regulations require vessels over 13.7m. to carry specific life-saving appliances, as follows. Reference is as for fire-fighting equipment above.

Life-Saving Appliances required on craft over 13.7m but less than 24m in length

  Distance voyaging off coast
  Less than 3 miles 3 to 20 miles 20 to 150 miles Over 150 miles
Lifebuoys, Line thrower and buoyant lines Two Lifebuoys, one of which is fitted with a self-igniting light and buoyant lifeline at least 18m in length. Four lifebuoys, two of which are fitted with buoyant lifelines and two with self-igniting lights and self-activating smile signals an a line throwing appliance.
Lifejackets A lifejacket suitable for a person weighing 32 kilograms or more for each such person on board; a lifejacket suitable for a person weighing less than 32 kilograms for each such person on board. Lifejackets carried for persons on watch should be stowed in positions readily accessible from the manned watch station.
Lifejacket lights No requirement. Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a lifejacket light complying with the appropriate MCA recognised standard.
Flares 4 red hand-held, 4 white hand-held, and 2 orange smoke flares 4 parachute flares, 4 red hand-held, 4 white hand-held, and 2 orange smoke flares
Training/Instruction manual A training or instruction manual containing instructions and information on the life-saving appliances provided in the vessel and their maintenance.
Lifesaving signals A copy of the table "Life-saving Signals and Rescue Methods, SOLAS No.1" or "Life-saving Signals and Rescue Methods, SOLAS No. 2".
Maritime radio A maritime radio capable of transmitting and receiving, appropriate to the area of operation.
Boarding ladder In ships of Class XII of 13.7m in length and over, an embarkation ladder shall be provided at each embarkation station extending, in a single length, from the deck to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition under unfavourable conditions of trim of up to 10 degrees and with the ship listed not less than 20 degrees either way and where such distance exceeds 1 metre. Such ladder(s) may be temporarily attached. In ships of Class XII of 13. 7m in length or over, but less than 24m in length, such ladder(s) may be replaced by approved devices to afford access to survival craft when waterborne.
One or more inflatable liferaft(s) with total capacity to accommodate those on board No requirement Yes (See full regs) Yes (See full regs) Yes (See full regs)